Our Story
Birth of Friends of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Administrative control of Midway Atoll was transferred from the U.S. Navy to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1997. In June 1999, a group of volunteers visiting the atoll began to explore how they could help support the Refuge. From the vision of those four individuals, the nonprofit organization Friends of Midway Atoll (FOMA) National Wildlife Refuge took shape. Click on the bold text for a story link! Over the years, FOMA has grown to a dedicated group of supporters with an impressive list of accomplishments.

Mission Statement
Founded in 1999, the Friends of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to help conserve, protect, and restore the biological diversity, historical legacy, and cultural heritage of Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll).
Vision Statement
Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll) is envisioned as a world-class scientific research and conservation-focused wildlife refuge, the memorialized historical site of the Battle of Midway, a place for the exploration and expression of indigenous Polynesian culture, and an attainable destination for visitors.
Values Statement
Action – FOMA focuses on supporting the highest priority needs of those who utilize and care for Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll)
Representation – FOMA is a voice for our members on advocacy, conservation, and historical preservation
Storytelling – FOMA shares new science-based and culturally significant information through interpretation and broad communications
Integrity – FOMA demonstrates integrity through rigorous adherence to ethical standards
Transparency – FOMA ensures openness and honesty in our actions and communications
Accountability – FOMA is accountable for our actions and for the use of financial resources
About the Board
FOMA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that works to support the Refuge. The Board has a wealth of experience in history, wildlife biology, refuge management, nonprofit organization, education, law, and information technology. All Board members have direct ties to the atoll. The Board meets each month to receive updates from Refuge staff and decide how best to support current needs.
Future Directions
Friends of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge has a passion for this remarkable spot in the mid-Pacific. The Board is always seeking new ways to support the biological diversity, historic and cultural resources of Midway. A Strategic Plan, completed in September 2015, is helping guide initiatives along with outcomes from a 2022 board retreat that set the stage for outlining priority efforts and opportunities. Continued advocacy along with direct financial support is needed now, more than ever, to preserve, protect, and restore the Refuge’s internationally significant resources.