We invite you to become a Midway advocate! There are many ways to be a champion for Midway Atoll NWR / Battle of Midway National Memorial at local, regional and national levels:
noun ˈadvəkət/ – a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause
synonyms: champion, supporter, backer
Become informed about critical issues and challenges for Midway – check our website and other social media platforms on a regular basis.
Send your email address to friendsmidway@gmail.org to be added to our Advocacy alert list. We will let you know about important bills or measures that may affect the Refuge, positively or negatively.
Follow us on Facebook where we provide alerts and contacts for action.
Take action. Speak up and write about your passion for Midway. Write a letter to your local or state newspaper. Send an email to your Representatives and Senators to let them know you care and you vote.
Learn about how Midway fits into the bigger conservation puzzle in the Pacific, including the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument and what funding gaps and challenges Midway and other National Wildlife Refuges face.
Be a connector to other organizations with shared interests. Help us form and strengthen alliances to make our collective voices heard. Such organizations include:
- National Wildlife Refuge Association: offers tools, training and resources for Refuge Friends groups
- International Midway Memorial Foundation: dedicated to honoring and preserving the memory and values of the Battle of Midway
- Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
- Other Refuge Friends groups
- Midway Residents groups
- Other Conservation groups
- Eco-tourism groups with a connection to Midway
Contact Us if you'd like to become more involved.