Barrett Elementary School in Arlington, VA raised $600 for Wisdom, the world's oldest seabird! They learned about Midway Atoll and Wisdom from school visits by USFWS staff Bret Wolfe and John Klavitter (former deputy refuge managers at Midway). STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) discovery teacher Laurie Sullivan and her students sent a signed poster of Wisdom and her chick to Midway made by school educator and artist Melissa Poore, which Bret “photo-toured” around the island. The students and their teachers were so inspired that they held a bake sale during a recent STEM event. FOMA used the funds to help protect habitat for Wisdom and her fellow gooneys. Never underestimate the power of cupcakes and the determination of young minds!
[spacer height=”20px”]Dedicated teachers, refuge staff with a passion for Midway & enthused students — what a combination!