Friends of Midway Atoll images highlight the Seabird Protection Project. Millions of native seabirds use Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll) as a critical home to mate and rear their young. Unfortunately, so …Continue Reading about Friends of Midway Atoll images highlight the Seabird Protection Project.
Efforts to eradicate Verbesina continue! Help us ensure that the invasive Verbesina enceliodes weed that once ravaged Midway will continue to be suppressed! With …Continue Reading about Efforts to eradicate Verbesina continue!
Coral Reef Awareness Week July 25 – August 1 is Coral Reef Awareness Week! Kuaihelani has a barrier reef nearly 5 miles wide with 580,392 acres of …Continue Reading about Coral Reef Awareness Week
Frank Dunlap and George Levin were stationed on Midway on December 7th, 1941 when both Midway and Pearl Harbor were attacked. Discover how their children connected 80 years later! By the Friends of Midway Atoll Vice President, Helen Dunlap In the cold of January 2001, I went to a travel show at the Chicago …Continue Reading about Frank Dunlap and George Levin were stationed on Midway on December 7th, 1941 when both Midway and Pearl Harbor were attacked. Discover how their children connected 80 years later!