Wisdom's chick, N333, who hatched in 2011, returned this nesting season to find her mate and by December 12, 2024 was incubating …
Midway’s managed wetlands provide a lifeline for those “other” migratory birds.
Author and photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Volunteer Nikki Preston. Special Note: This was written before the …
Wisdom, who is at least 74-years-old, returns to Midway Atoll Refuge and lays an egg on November 26, 2024!
The oldest known banded wild bird, a Mōlī or Laysan albatross known as Wisdom has once again mystified biologists. Being able to …
Help Us Support Midway Bird Counter Volunteers!
Continuing a Legacy Since its inception, FOMA has supported the annual bird count effort on Midway, and in many years, our …
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