In early December, Bird Counters arrived at Kuaihelani.Pihemanu.Midway Atoll as they do every year. They arrived on December 9, 2024 after dark which greatly minimizes albatross disturbance and especially the likely hood their small plane does not strike any of the hundreds of thousands of seabirds in the height of the nesting season at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. This year their manual count will be compared and tested against the ability of a drone to document accurately the number of albatross nests throughout three islands within the Atoll. A bird counter's time and energy working 48 hours a week for a month in December through mid-January contributes to one of the longest and most consistent monitoring seabird data sets in the world.
Experience the daily tasks and encounters during the past two weeks as a Volunteer Bird Counter on Kuaihelani-Pihemanu-Midway Atoll!