The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service volunteer crew for the biological program will soon be receiving a $1,000.00 stipend! The applications were due on December 18, 2023 for the work period spanning April through September 2024, These positions focus on controlling and removing non-native species and maintaining, conserving, and restoring quality habitat to support indigenous plants, seabirds, waterbirds, monk seals, and sea turtles.
This Friends of Midway Atoll Christmas gift of a $1,000 stipend for each 2024 volunteer is a way to support these volunteers who stay on Midway for six months but still have expenses back home. Our wish is that this continues to be a gift every year. We invite you, our members, donors, and newsletter subscribers, to offer a gift here of your own that continues supporting the new generation of the planet's caretakers and to attract ALL talented applicants despite their available financial resources.
Enjoy the 2023 funded gifts report because of your contributions to one of the planet's most magical places on earth, Kuaihelani (the backbone of heaven).