There are two types of U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Volunteer Positions on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge/Battle of Midway National Memorial! Apply using the links below for the six-month biological field position or for an albatross counter position during the month of December.
Six-month Biological Field Crew Positions:
Download the details and how to apply here.
Friends of Midway Atoll are now investing in the next generation by offering a stipend of $1,000.00 for each 6-month volunteer to help defray costs back home!

The Annual Albatross Count
The annual albatross count is in December of every year and usually requires one to pay for the airfare to Midway Atoll via a contracted flight service on a nine passenger plane. Although it is very competitive and can be expensive the volunteers say it's an incredible life-changing experience. For details and information on how to apply to the 4 to 6 week positions for the annual albatross count in December through January go to: