Get to know Joe Owen. He is from England and a Manu-o-Kū (Gygis alba) whisperer. Joe is one of four new 2024/25 six-month …
Meet Carrie Marell Gunn from Scotland!
From a small fishing village in Scotland to Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll!), enjoy getting to know Carrie! Brought up in …
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Wisdom, who is at least 74-years-old, returns to Midway Atoll Refuge and lays an egg on November 26, 2024!
The oldest known banded wild bird, a Mōlī or Laysan albatross known as Wisdom has once again mystified biologists. Being able to …
Remembering Battle of Midway Veteran Julian Eugene Hodges
By Friends of Midway Atoll board member Pam Repp As the former manager of the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Battle …
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