Hawaiian name: ka‘upu
Scientific name: Phoebastria nigripes

- Life Span: > 40 years
- Wingspan: 193-216 cm (6.3-7.1 ft)
- Breeding ecology:
- Monogamous (mostly), philopatric
- 1 egg/clutch, 1 egg/year
- Male incubates 2-3 weeks post-laying
- Incubation lasts around 65 days
- Both parents care for egg and chick
- Chicks hatch from January through February, fledge about five months post-hatching
- Adults can travel >1,500 km (>930 miles) to forage during incubation and chick-rearing
- Feed by regurgitation of oil and solids
- About 33% of the global population nests on Midway.
- Vulnerable to longline fishing and sea-level rise.