Hawaiian name: Noio
Scientific name: Anous minutus

- Life Span: > 20 years
- Wingspan: 66-72 cm (26-28 in)
- Breeding Ecology:
- Pan tropical distribution; breeds colonially on islands in the tropics and subtropics
- Colonial tree nester; may reuse nest
- Incubation lasts around 33 days; chicks fledge at 40-50 days
- 1 egg/clutch, up to 3 clutches per season (if unsuccessful)
- Nesting occurs throughout the year, with peak activity in January, February, and July through August.
- On Midway, Black Noddies have adapted to nesting in tall Ironwood trees (Casuarina equisetfolia) where some birds build elaborate nests with grasses, leaves and twigs. Black Noddies also nest in Beach Naupaka (Scaevola taccada) and Beach Heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea) shrubs.