Hawaiian name: Manu-o-ku
Scientific name: Gygis alba

- Life Span: > 20 years
- Wingspan: 70-87 cm (27.5-34 in)
- Breeding Ecology:
- Pantropical distribution, breeds throughout tropical and subtropical oceans of the world
- Single egg laid on a small depression on a branch or other surface
- Eggs laid year-round; peak season from December through May
- 1 egg/clutch; up to 2 successful broods per season
- Incubation lasts around 36 days; chicks fledge after 50 days
- Chicks receive only whole fish or squid
- The Northwestern Hawaiian Island population is estimated to be around 80,500 individuals.
- In 1984, about 7,500 breeding pairs nested on Sand and Eastern Islands, representing the largest population in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.