Author and photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Volunteer Nikki Preston.
Special Note: This was written before the albatross landed on Midway Atoll fall of 2024. Due to a Wisdom-related frenzy, this article is just now being published – apologies to the writer and photographer and to the “other” migratory birds. This article is dedicated to those Fish and Wildlife employees who brought life to a hidden out-of-sight area on Sand Island that is near a site where fill from the runway construction was dumped. And to Nikki for shining a light on a now productive wetland which provides nourishment to a diversity of migratory birds, most having made life or death decisions during an exhausting journey at sea.
Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll), a remote and vital part of the Pacific Ocean ecosystem, serves as a critical habitat for millions of migratory birds, endangered species, and other wildlife. This dynamic environment is a sanctuary for nesting seabirds like Laysan and Black-footed Albatrosses, as well as a resting stop for rare vagrant bird species that rely on its resources during their journeys. Midway also provides crucial “stopover” habitat for migratory species, offering critical opportunities to rest, refuel, and find shelter during their bi-annual migrations—often the most challenging and dangerous phase of their lifecycle. Stopover sites are crucial to the survival of migratory birds, where they need to double their body weight in fat stores to continue their migration. Stopover sites provide the food and shelter they need to do this. Without stopover sites, many birds would perish during migration.
These islands are one of many that support survival strategies for species navigating vast oceanic distances, highlighting their ecological importance. The atoll's role as a habitat is not just about breeding for resident seabird populations, but also about providing a resting space for exhausted birds. Many of these birds use flyways: a flight path used by large numbers of birds while migrating between their breeding grounds and their overwintering quarters. Flyways generally span continents and often pass over oceans. One example common in Hawai'i nei and Papahānaumokuākea is the migration of (Kōlea) or Pacific Golden-Plovers that use the West Pacific and East Asian-Australasian flyways to travel from our tropical climate to Alaska- the site of their breeding grounds. Such refuges can mean the difference between life and death for individuals facing harsh conditions during migration, particularly when faced with climate variability or habitat loss elsewhere.

At Kuaihelani (ancient Hawaiian name for Midway Atoll) the team keeps a close watch on all things feathered, from the iconic Mōlī (Laysan Albatross) and Koloa Pōhaka ( Laysan Duck) to shorebirds and, most excitingly, the surprise visitors—vagrant bird species! These avian wanderers add a layer of thrill for bird enthusiasts. Some vagrants become regular visitors, showing up season after season, while others are first-timers that spark curiosity and excitement among the staff.
Each new species spotted is celebrated and meticulously recorded on a community whiteboard. The board tracks essential details like the species’ first observation date, the birder who had the lucky sighting, the exact location, and the last date the bird was seen. This ritual not only fosters a sense of camaraderie among birders but also contributes valuable data to the understanding of avian migration patterns and biodiversity at Midway. It’s a delightful mix of science, storytelling, and the joy of discovery.
At Kuaihelani, two wetland zones on Sand Island—Catchment and Brackish—serve as vital habitats for both resident and migratory bird species, offering diverse plant life and ecological benefits that support their needs.

Catchment Pond, named for being the collection area its source for the atoll’s fresh water that is subsequently pumped in proximity to the three towering water tanks nearby, collects rainwater runoff from the airstrip. The pond’s edges are lined with Pycreus sedge (Cyperus polystachyos), Button sedge/ Mauʻu ʻakiʻaki (Fimbristylis cymose), sea grapes (Coccoloba uvifera), and kūnānā pepperwort (Lepidium bidentatum). These plants stabilize the shoreline, create shade for resting birds, and allow sunlight to penetrate the water, preventing excessive algae growth, while the thick understory of sedges and grasses provides prime foraging grounds for shorebirds, offering an abundance of insects, mollusks, worms, and biofilm in the shallow waters.
Amongst the long list of migrant birds spotted at Catchment, a crowd favorite amongst our Midway Biologists is the Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) is a medium-sized goose with a distinctive white patch at the base of its bill and speckled black barring on its belly. Native to the northern hemisphere, this species breeds in the tundra regions of Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, and Siberia. During the breeding season, they nest on the ground near wetlands, typically laying 3–6 eggs in a well-concealed nest lined with down. They are highly migratory, traveling thousands of miles to overwinter in temperate regions, including the southern United States, Europe, and East Asia, where they inhabit wetlands, agricultural fields, and open grasslands. Their migration routes are well-defined and often followed in family groups. Greater White-fronted Geese feed primarily on plant material, including grasses, grains, and aquatic vegetation, making them important ecological connectors between tundra and temperate ecosystems.

Another prominent bird standing amongst the crowd at Catchment is the Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), a medium-sized shorebird known for its distinctive “sewing-machine” foraging behavior. These birds breed in the tundra of western Alaska and northwestern Canada, preferring grassy and sedge-dominated marshes near water. During migration and winter, they are commonly found in mudflats, freshwater marshes, and occasionally coastal salt marshes.

Their diet varies by habitat. On breeding grounds, they consume primarily insect larvae and other invertebrates, while in migration and wintering areas, they forage for a mix of worms, crustaceans, mollusks, and plant material. Their migratory route spans from their breeding areas in the Arctic to wintering grounds along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America, extending as far south as Mexico.
Brackish Pond blocks more sunlight and wind gusts because it is bordered by ironwood trees and adjacent to a plateau of native out-plantings, offering a more secluded habitat. It was originally dug out as a water source but was found to be quite brackish, as the name suggests. The pond’s margins feature Pycreus sedge (Cyperus polystachyos), makaloa sedge (Cyperus laevigatus), kāwelu/bunchgrass (Eragrostis variabilis), ʻāweoweo (Chenopodium oahuense), ʻākulikuli (Sesuvium portulacastrum), and nehe (Wollastonia integrifolia), which help prevent erosion and form small pools ideal for migratory waterfowl. On the surrounding slopes, a variety of native plants, including ʻilima (Sida fallax), pōpolo (Solanum nelsonii), maiapilo/caper bush (Capparis sandwichiana), pōhuehue (Ipomoea pes-caprae), and alena (Boerhavia repens), intermix to create a diverse understory. These plants provide nesting sites for Laysan ducks, shelter for resting birds, and enhanced insect diversity—a critical food source for both resident and migratory species.

One migratory bird that definitely stands out from the crowd of Laysan ducks at Brackish is the Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata) which is a distinctive dabbling duck known for its wide, spatula-shaped bill, which is specialized for straining small aquatic invertebrates and vegetation from the water. Its breeding range spans wetlands across North America, Europe, and Asia, where it favors shallow marshes, ponds, and grasslands. During the non-breeding season, Northern Shovelers migrate to warmer climates, including southern parts of the United States, Central and South America, Africa, and southern Asia.

Their diet is highly versatile, shifting between aquatic invertebrates like insects and crustaceans during breeding to plant materials such as seeds and aquatic vegetation during migration and wintering. Northern Shovelers often engage in cooperative feeding behaviors, swimming in circles to create whirlpools that bring food to the surface. This adaptability allows them to thrive in diverse wetland environments, but habitat loss and climate change remain potential threats to their population.
There is a large running list of the variety of bird species that have been observed to rest at these water sources. If you want to stay up to date and see what else has appeared on Midway Atoll, you can look up both of our native and vagrant bird species on our Midway ebird Account. Along with a list, users are able to search how many total of each species has been sighted, with some species having photo confirmation associated with it.
Beyond waterfowl, passerines occasionally find their way to Midway, blown in by chance. Last week, while photographing the resident canaries -(which were introduced in the early 20th century by Pacific Cable Company workers)—volunteers Carri and Jo made an extraordinary discovery: a Bohemian Waxwing, which was a new species record for Midway! This wasn’t the first Bohemian Waxwing to make its way to Papahānaumokuākea; an individual also showed up on Kure Atoll a few years ago. As for most songbirds, reaching these remote islands is likely only possible for birds that hitch rides on vessels during part of the journey. There are only three species of waxwings, and these are the closest living relatives to the now-extinct seven species of Hawaiian honeyeaters (Mohoidae family).
The Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) is a highly social, nomadic bird known for its striking plumage and erratic winter movements. It breeds across the northern boreal forests of Eurasia and North America, including Alaska, Scandinavia, and Siberia, typically near water in coniferous or mixed woodlands. In winter, its range extends southward unpredictably, often dictated by the availability of fruit-bearing plants, which are its primary food source during the colder months. These movements can bring it as far south as the western and northern U.S. or central Europe during irruptive years.
The diet of Bohemian Waxwings consists predominantly of fruits and berries like mountain ash, juniper, and crabapples in winter, while during the summer breeding season, they supplement this with insects, caught in flight, for protein. Their communal feeding habits and large flock dynamics help them efficiently locate and exploit food resources. This adaptability makes them an essential part of the ecosystems they inhabit, as they aid in seed dispersal and insect control.

These never-ending surprises highlight that Kuaihelani serves as a vital hub for migratory birds traversing vast oceanic distances between continents. As climate change disrupts weather patterns and migration routes, Midway’s restored habitats provide a lifeline for birds navigating increasingly unpredictable conditions. Habitat restoration here isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating biodiverse niches that support native populations like Laysan albatrosses and Hawaiian ducks, as well as vagrant species seeking temporary refuge. Restoration efforts at Midway improve nesting sites, stabilize shorelines, and enhance food sources, supporting a range of species, including those temporarily taking shelter. These efforts echo a broader ecological truth: when we cultivate habitats that meet the nuanced needs of various wildlife, the ripple effects benefit entire ecosystems.

This principle isn’t exclusive to Midway. Spotting unexpected wildlife in backyards—whether a rare bird or another species—is a reminder of nature’s adaptability and resilience. These moments underscore how species adjust to changing circumstances, potentially shifting population patterns over time. However, habitat loss remains the leading threat to migratory bird populations. The loss or degradation of critical stopover sites during migration—a perilous phase for birds—can disproportionately impact their survival. By creating stopover-friendly spaces at home, individuals can play a role in conserving native bird and migratory bird populations.
1. Provide Diverse Native Plants
- Why: Native plants offer familiar food sources like seeds, berries, and nectar that migrating birds recognize. They also attract native pollinators and also native insects which are a crucial protein source for many bird species.
- How: Research the native plants in your region and choose a variety of flowers or fruits in different seasons.
- Mainland U.S. example:
- Wildflowers for pollinators and seed-eating birds.
- Berry-producing shrubs like elderberries or dogwood.
- Grasses like bluestem or millet for ground-nesting species.
- Hawaiʻi example:
- ʻIlima (Sida fallax): Ground cover with small flowers that attract pollinators.
- Māmaki (Pipturus albidus): Supports Kamehameha butterfly caterpillars.
- ʻŌhiʻa Lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha): Produces nectar for birds like the ʻApapane.
2. Restore Habitat Micro-Niches
- Why: Native animals rely on specific niches.
- How: Use plants of varying heights and densities to mimic natural forest layers. For example:
- Plant low-growing ferns and shrubs for ground nesters.
- Plant dense shrubs, evergreen trees, or build brush piles. These provide shade, cover, and roosting spots.
3. Minimize Use of Chemicals
- Why: Pesticides can harm native insects, a crucial part of the food web.
- How: Use organic methods for pest control, like introducing beneficial insects or using natural repellents.
4. Control Invasive Species
- Why: Invasive plants and animals outcompete native species for resources.
- How: Remove invasive plants and replace them with natives. Manage feral cats and rats that threaten native and migratory birds.
5. Provide Nesting Materials
- Why: Birds build nests with natural fibers.
- How: Leave coconut fibers, twigs, and lichen in your yard for nesting birds.
6. Reduce Light Pollution
- Why: Bright lights can disorient seabirds during fledgling season.
- How: Use shielded lighting or turn off unnecessary lights at night, especially near coastal areas.
7. Engage with Citizen Science
- Why: Monitoring and reporting wildlife sightings help conservation efforts.
- How: Join initiatives like the Project FeederWatch or ebird to record sightings in your backyard and to track bird populations in your area.
By creating a garden focused on native species to your specific region, you not only support biodiversity but also help reverse the decline of endemic wildlife. Gardens designed with these principles can attract native and/or migratory bird species to urban and suburban areas, showcasing the adaptability of birds and the impact of human efforts in conservation. For inspiration, check local native plant societies or resources like the National Wildlife Federation's Certified Wildlife Habitat Program.
Article by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Volunteer Nikki Preston. Get to know her and the diversity of knowledge she brings to Kuaihelani, from working on other islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago and beyond across the Pacific, by clicking here.